ArborScape Terms and Conditions

The following Tree Service Denver Terms and Conditions have been created for ArborScape Services.

The person signing a contract has sole authorization for work being completed. No tools were used to diagnose the initial assessment. The assessment was done visually and from the ground.

Arborists can not guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under any circumstances, or for any specified period of time. Likewise, remedial treatments, like any medicine, cannot be guaranteed.

ArborScape will not be responsible for minor damage to property such as chipped or scratched paint, holes in the ground, broken flagstone, broken concrete, landscape damage, tire ruts, oil stains, etc. from equipment or tree debris.

ArborScape will not be responsible for damage to underground utilities from tree or stump removal, aeration, deep root fertilization, planting, or other work that requires soil removal or penetrations. Underground utilities include any wire, pipe, or anything buried underground. ArborScape will contact 811 to have local utilities located prior to any dig work being completed.

Late payments. Accounts not paid within 10 days are subject to a 2.5% finance charge. Accounts not paid within 30 days are subject to a $30.00 late fee. Every 30 days after that a $15.00 office administration charge will be added. The customer is responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses of collection and/or lawsuit, but not limited to reasonable attorney fees.

Tree Pruning Classes or Types of Pruning

Class 1 Fine pruning (small to medium trees from 5 ft to 25 ft) – Fine pruning shall consist of the removal of dead, dying, diseased, interfering, objectionable, and weak branches as well as selective thinning to lessen wind resistance. Deadwood up to 1/2 an inch in diameter may remain within the canopy/lead area

Class 2 Medium pruning (medium trees 26ft to 40 ft) – Medium pruning shall consist of the removal of dead, dying, diseased or obviously weak branches, 1 inch in diameter or more within canopy/lead area.

Class 3 Large pruning (large trees 41 ft and up) – Large pruning shall consist of the removal of dead, dying, diseased, interfering, objectionable, and obviously weak branches, 2 inches in diameter or more within canopy/lead area.

Class 4 Cutting back or drop-crotch pruning –  Cutting back or drop-crotch pruning shall consist of the reduction of tops, sides, under branches, or individual limbs.

Safety Trim – Removal of broken and dead branches 4″ in diameter or bigger within canopy/lead area.

Tree removal – Removal of the tree to as close to the ground as possible. A stump 12 inches high or less could remain after tree removal.

Stump Grinding – Will meet Denver’s guideline of 6″ deep. An extra charge will apply for deeper than 6-inch stump grinding. Arborscape is not responsible for underground sprinklers or low voltage lines.

Shrubs and Bushes

Shear – Shear shrubs and bushes with a gas-powered hedge trimmer to create a uniform appearance.

Hand prune – Shrubs and bushes trimmed with hand pruners to reduce the size and keep natural form.

Rejuvenation Prune – Shrubs and bushes cut to 6″ to 12″ from grade or ground level to promote new growth.

Renewal prune – Removal of old stock (larger branches) to promote new growth.

The ArborScape Terms and Conditions are subject to change at the sole discretion of ArborScape’s management team. Thanks.